If there was ever a geographic politically partition space to benefit from renewable high speed and local light rail powered by renewable would certainly be California. How fucking pathetic of the people and the government.

Democratic party constituents, if we’re still around after the next cycle, stay the fuck away from Gavin Newsom. He’s another Bill Clinton. A corporate socialist claiming he’s doing it all for “we the people” as we remain the proletariat

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“For example, renewable diesel produced by co-processing soybean oil with fossil feedstock in a diesel hydrotreater at Chevron's El Segundo refinery using soybean oil transported by rail to California has CI of 51.74 grams of CO2 equivalent per megajoule of energy. That's a mouthful, and it illustrates the myriad ways that even renewable fuels can emit carbon.  Petroleum diesel has a CI of 100.45, almost twice as large.”

This policy does nothing but shift the carbon footprint to the Midwest were corn and soy beans are produced. Equation used to arrive at these numbers is intentionally exclusive. It includes the transportation from the production site in the Midwest. What is not included is the entire footprint concerning the production of the commodity. How incredibly disingenuous. Just like ethanol which requires 5 quarts of gasoline to produce a gallon of this substance, nothing more than an industrial agrabusiness complex subsidy. Fucking pathetic

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There’s nothing sustainable about the current production model of corn and soybean oil. Sorry. Don’t buy into the industrial planet killing toxic from input to product agrabusiness commodity complex.

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