A terrific article, but this war is just one of the factors potentially fueling an agricultural crisis, the others being rising natural gas prices and climate change. From a macro view, it seems like we're heading down this road and the war is just adding fuel to the fire.
Good data and research on wheat exports, but overall a terrible article and title.
Russia's (and Ukraine's) outright wheat exports are not the only factor in world food.
Escalating energy prices - both diesel and propane - will impact grain production.
So will fertilizer prices.
Then there's the pandemic-induced shortages in labor and semiconductors --> tractors.
A terrific article, but this war is just one of the factors potentially fueling an agricultural crisis, the others being rising natural gas prices and climate change. From a macro view, it seems like we're heading down this road and the war is just adding fuel to the fire.
Great article Aaron - very insightful
Great article Aaron - very insightful